Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Dear Friends,

Faith Radio Uganda wishes you all a Happy New Year! I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who stood with Faith Radio last year through prayer and financial support.

We appreciate and are very thankful for your contributions towards Faith Radio Uganda last year. We trust God for a great New year for Faith Radio.

We encourage you to continue to stand and pray with us this year as we serve God here at Faith Radio Uganda. Let us continue to run the race set before us this year, continue to accomplish God’s purpose for earth on this earth.

We continue to pray for you and your families this year.

Blessings to you and your families in 2019 and we look forward to working with you at Faith Radio this year.

Happy New Year
Daniel and Sharon Okabe
Faith Radio Uganda

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Daniel Okabe visiting - faithradiouganda.org Daniel Okabe visiting hospital - faithradiouganda.org

Dear Friends,

We pray for you and your families. Thank you for your continued prayers for me, my family and ministry. As we head to Christmas lets be reminded that Jesus is the reason for the season.

We are getting ready for our annual Children’s Christmas party on Christmas eve. It will be a great time to share Christmas with the kids at the orphanage.

This very special event brings great joy and makes the love of Jesus so very real in the lives of these homeless children who have nothing but what you provide through your love gifts throughout the year.

We so encouraged by, and thankful for, the support that has been offered over the years for the annual Orphanage Christmas Party.

We just returned from a two day Conference in Kenya. I attended the conference with my wife and the Faith Radio Manager. We were able to share about Faith Radio and to also confirm that Faith Radio airwaves reach this part of Kenya. We were encouraged by the many people who listen to Faith Radio.

We are also getting ready for our annual youth conference coming up this week – Wednesday through the weekend. Faith Radio will be there to promote and build listenership. We are expecting over 1000 youth from all around Uganda and nearby Kenya. Please pray that many will get to know Jesus at the conference this week.

We are also winding up this year with our end of year Faith Radio staff party. This is a time to thank our staff for the work and commitment to serving God through Faith Radio Uganda throughout the year.

We have also worked to improve our marketing efforts this year, we have contracted for advertising with two more companies for soap production and cellphone credits.

Today we visited a local radio called Soroti FM, We travelled 2hrs and were invited to visit with their studios. We learned a few ideas that will help Faith Radio grow in the near future. Our goal is to partner with other radio stations in the country so that we might share ideas and learn new things to help Faith Radio grow and bring glory and honor to our LORD Jesus!

Prayer Requests

  • Provision for needs of the children at the orphanage
  • Expanding the reach of Faith Radio
  • Health & Healing for my Father & Mother
  • Success for Faith Radio advertising marketing efforts
  • Safety of the Faith Radio staff
  • Funding for staff salaries, rent and equipment repairs and replacement

“Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.” (Mark 15:16)

We are praying for you and thank you for partnering with us at Faith Radio Uganda.

Merry Christmas,

Daniel and Sharon Okabe

Managing Director
Faith Radio Uganda

Follow Us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/faithradiouganda/

We need your financial help!
Please make your tax-deductible checks out to:

FLMUSA” (First Love Ministries USA) and mail to:

Don Nourse – FLMUSA
56 Cornflower
Irvine, CA 92620

To donate securities (Stocks & Bonds) contact Don Nourse.

Don Nourse
First Love Ministries USA
O (949) 724-4703
C (714) 222-7800
Email: [email protected]

Brad and Shawna in Uganda

Brad and Shawna in Uganda

Mbale, Uganda 2018

Wow, what an amazing experience serving God with our brothers and sister in Uganda.  Shawna and I first want to thank Daniel and Sharon Okabe for their friendship and helping familiarize us to Uganda and its culture. Your efforts allowed us to serve and love in the name of Jesus Christ without confusion or reservation. We could not have done it without you. 

Second; Patrick and Christine Okabe are an amazing patriarchal/matriarchal couple whose vision and ministries are inspiring. Thank you for your service to the Lord!

We arrived in Entebbe, Uganda on Saturday, November 17 after a long couple days of travel from Alabama, USA.  Daniel and Sharon met us at the airport. 

They arranged a vehicle and driver to transport us to Mbale. We arrived at our hotel just in time to gets some much needed rest. 

Sunday morning we woke to travel to a local motorcycle shop to purchase a motorcycle to give to a local pastor—praise God for those that gave generously to purchase this gift.  Our next stop was to visit Impact Ministry Church in Mbale. 

We met these beautiful people and introduced ourselves to the church. We both spoke and Brad was able to share his heart that we (Christians) are all brothers and sisters through the adoption in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 1:5, Romans 8:15 ESV). 

After this, we were driven to the village of Kachonga to have church and worship. What an awesome time. After a Spirit filled time of praise, worship and dance; Bishop Okabe announced that we here to present the pastor with the motorcycle gift. 

As this was a surprise, the church broke out into spontaneous worship full of the Holy Spirit—it will make a grown man cry!  Again, we both spoke and Brad preached a message of the Good News of Jesus Christ. People were saved and many came forward to have hands laid on them for prayer. 

We are so thankful for the local pastors and their wives who were a part of this with us.  Most importantly, to God and His Spirit for bridging the language barrier to allow us to praise, worship, pray, preach, and receive (1 Corinthians 2:1-5 ESV).  Following the service, the people of the village prepared a meal for us.  Again, this was humbling and amazing!

Sunday evening we were invited to speak on Faith Radio out of Mbale. During the youth program, we shared a message of love and encouragement; reminding the listeners of their value to God; and the love God shows to us by giving us Jesus Christ, forgiveness, and salvation. 

We had the opportunity to pray with listeners who called in.

Before we could begin our day on Monday, God intervened as we were asked to worship and pray with a Christian missionary team from South Korea.  This was truly a blessing and encouragement.

I was reminded of the verse in Acts 18:9 where God tells Paul in a vision; “Don’t be afraid! Speak out! Don’t be silent! For I am with you, and no one will attack and harm you, for many people in this city belong to me.” (NLT). 

This comforted me; and as I met new found brothers and sisters in Christ (including Impact Ministry and Faith Radio), God reinforced this message. 

Monday, we were blessed to spend the day with our new friend, Ronald Segera (Ronnie), station manager for Faith Radio, Mbale.  He gave us a tour of the Faith Radio station in town and then the antenna area up on the Wanale Mountain.

During the tour we were exposed to the enormous impact this ministry is having on east Uganda and West Kenya by sharing the message of Christ over the airwaves (Psalm 139; Genesis 1:27; John 3:16-17) ESV.

We also saw the needs that this ministry has in order to continue this ministry.  Please pray for the radio to receive new antennas and tower extensions. While travelling the mountain, we were blessed to be able to interact with local village children.

That afternoon, we visited the Impact Ministry orphanage and school.  The school director, Susan and the head teacher gave us a tour of the facility (dorms, classrooms, kitchen, and cafeteria). Shawna was able to help serve lunch. 

As the children were hungry and wanting to talk with each other, we allowed them their time together and planned to return another day.

Tuesday, by the blessing of the Lord through generous givers, we were able to purchase soap, sugar, toilet paper, candy, biscuits (cookies), and mango juice to deliver to patients at two village medical clinics (Nabiganda and another whose name I cannot remember).

At the clinics, we were able to pray with the children (and mothers) in the children’s ward. Also, we had the privilege of meeting and praying with expectant mothers in the maternity ward.  

Praise God for the staff of these clinics and the work they do!

We also had the honor of visiting Ronnie’s home village. Visiting with his family and many of the local children. It was an honor to pray with this family and ask God to bless their home and land. 

Ronnie’s mother and father worked hard to raise (and educate) a good Christian man who is serving the Lord. Praise God and blessings to them!!

Wednesday, we returned to the orphanage. This day, we were able to meet with each class individually. We prayed with them and gave them a small sugar treat. The children were beautiful and kind. In their humility, they requested that we return with basic school supplies so that they may continue in their education.  

Praise God for the teachers and caretakers that invest in the lives of these children!

After some time exploring the local market (amazing), we attended the Wednesday night fellowship service at Impact Ministry Church in Mbale.

Brad had the honor of sharing at this service. He encouraged the church members to avoid false teachers and hold true to the Truth (John 14:6 ESV). 

As we have come to expect, the people and service were Sprit filled and ministered to us.

Thursday, we utilized Crossroads Tours and Travel service to take us to Sipi Falls (Kapchorwa) in order to see the beauty of the Ugandan countryside. 

Yes, this is truly a beautiful and bountiful land. While on the mountain we met a local named Patrick. He brought us to his land and shared his vision for a home and business. We sat with him, talked about Jesus, and prayed.

Friday, we travelled back to Entebbe to prepare for our return travel. En route to the airport motel, we explored the Cultural Trade Center in Kampala to pick up some gifts for us and our children.

In closing, let us reiterate what a beautiful and loving people Ugandans are. I am thankful for the ministers and pastors that have paved the way to allow us to come and share Jesus Christ and His love. 

These are true warriors who have a heart to see every Ugandan reconciled to God through Jesus Christ. Thank you Impact Ministry. Thank you Faith Radio.

 Thank You God,

Brad and Shawna

Thankful in Uganda!

Thankful in Uganda!

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Brad and Shawna Hall are visiting from Alabama, They serve with the Christian Motorcyclists Association.

They were here for a week and we thank GOD for this opportunity to serve together with them here in Uganda through the various Impact Ministries that you are all our partners in Christ.

Brad and Shawna, through their friends and supporters in Alabama, were able to purchase a motorbike which was donated to one of our village pastors who serves our village churches.

They spoke on Sunday at the local church in Kachonga and donated the motorbike. There was great rejoicing and celebration in the church for this wonderful gift. Many pastors in the villages are limited with transportation, so this gift is so very helpful!

A motorbike will be a helpful tool for this pastor to easily reach more people in the distant villages. Also it will provide transportation to a health center for sick people in his community.

When Brad and Shawna shared Sunday at the village church we saw Muslims come to Christ, with many coming to receive Jesus during the prayer and healing session.

They also had a chance to share the message of love on Faith Radio Sunday afternoon during the call-in youth talk show. They interacted with callers on the radio whom they prayed for over the airwaves.

Today Brad and Shawna were able to visit the radio tower on the mountain and see the equipment that enables us to reach so many with the Good News Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ of Faith Radio. They were also able to interact with the locals of the community and share their faith in Jesus.

Later we were able to visit the orphanage where Brad and Shawna shared their faith and interacted with the kids during the lunch session.

We Praise GOD for how He is using Brad and Shawna here in Uganda. They have been encouraged to go back to the USA and share their experiences and hopefully encourage more people to visit us on their missions trip next year!

Brad and Shawna in the next few days will visit the slums of Mbale where most of the kids at the orphanage come from. They will also do hospital outreach and also have a meeting with the local pastors at a village church before they leave Friday for Alabama.

We are so blessed and have felt so much love from being with Brad and Shawna, we are all one body in Jesus.

We encourage you to continue to support the ministries in Uganda. You are welcome to visit us here in Uganda and serve with us.

Praying for you and your families!

Prayer Requests

  • Increase in Listeners for Faith Radio Outreach
  • Monthly Orphanage Expenses
  • Hospital & Community Outreach Programs
  • Health & Healing for Father & Mother
  • Faith Radio Advertising Marketing
  • Safety of the Faith Radio Staff
  • Funding for Staff Salaries & Rent

“Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.” (Mark 15:16)

We are praying for you and thank you for partnering with us at Faith Radio Uganda.

Daniel Okabe
Managing Director
Faith Radio Uganda

Follow Us on Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/daniel.okabe

Please make your tax-deductible checks out to:

FLMUSA” (First Love Ministries USA) and mail to:

Don Nourse – FLMUSA
56 Cornflower
Irvine, CA 92620

We need your financial help!
To donate securities (Stocks & Bonds) contact Don Nourse.

Don Nourse
First Love Ministries USA
O (949) 724-4703
C (714) 222-7800
Email: [email protected]

News from Faith Radio Uganda

News from Faith Radio Uganda

Dear Friends,

I greet you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! First off, I want to thank you all again for the prayers for Sharon my wife, whose breast cancer threat was declared negative! We praise God together for watching over her! Please pray for a successful surgery to remove the dead cells.

Faith Radio Uganda will be a part of the Impact Ministries annual conference coming up this month August 21-26! We are expecting over 1000 guests from in and around Uganda. We shall have a booth for Faith Radio Uganda promotional activities where our staff will be speaking and sharing promotional materials to the attendees of the conference. Most importantly, we shall be airing the conference live on Faith Radio so that those who can’t attend. Please pray that many who don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ will come to know Him through the conference, both on site and through the Faith Radio broadcast.

Next week we are organizing a Faith Radio football (soccer) match with our listeners in the village on Nyondo. We have a strong listenership in Nyondo and they are part of Faith Radio Community Outreach. After the soccer match we shall provide snacks and drinks to the players and have an opportunity to share Jesus with the spectators and the players from the opposing team. The people of Nyondo are excited for a soccer match with the Faith Radio staff. We are providing soccer balls, for many don’t have this opportunity to kick around a real soccer ball. Through this excitement their hearts will be opened to hearing the good news of Jesus Christ!

We are also organizing our outreach activities to the hospital in the village of Butaleja and Busolwe, two small counties next to our town. Please pray for our hospital outreach, that many will be reached and healed through the all-powerful name of Jesus, as a large majority of Muslim families are in the hospital. This is a great opportunity for them to come to know Jesus!

We continue each week to travel to Kampala to find advertisers for Faith Radio. We go to Kampala 3 days each week to visit potential advertisers.

Praise God, we have just added MTAC Institute of Computer Science and Africell, a mobile network company. We are almost closing a deal with MTN, another telephone company – the largest in Africa. Please pray for success, as this deal would really help improve the income of Faith Radio. MTN makes very good contracts with Radio stations. Please pray for this opportunity.

Please pray for our safety on the road, as we travel to Kampala. We travel on a very risky road, with dangerous over speeding drivers – especially large trucks and buses! We almost see deadly head-on accidents every week! Our highways are single lanes and overtaking cars and trucks cause a lot of head-on collisions! We were almost involved in a head on collision a couple of times in our SUV due to irrational drivers. Please pray for God’s angels to protect us as we drive the 4 hours every week to Kampala. God’s mercy and grace keeps us safe on the highway as we continue to serve Jesus.

Please pray also for our limitation in reaching people through social media. The government just introduced high social media tax, which is limiting people from accessing social media and therefore limit the number of people our social media team can make contact with. Please pray for media freedom in Uganda, so we have a vast opportunity to reach many with Jesus!

This week I have been spending time with the kids at the orphanage. as you can see from the photos. I love sharing Jesus with these children and motivating them to be Christ followers as they set their goals for the future.

Pastors from many churches continue to sign up for airtime to preach the Gospel on Faith Radio. We have made it free for the pastors, as we want as many people as possible to hear the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Prayer Requests

  • Monthly provision for needs of the children at the orphanage
  • Health & Healing for my Father & Mother
  • Success for Faith Radio advertising marketing efforts
  • Safety of the Faith Radio staff
  • Funding for staff salaries & rent

We are praying for you and thank you for partnering with us at Faith Radio Uganda.

Daniel Okabe
Managing Director
Faith Radio Uganda

Follow Us on Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/daniel.okabe

Please make your tax-deductible checks out to:

FLMUSA” (First Love Ministries USA) and mail to:

Don Nourse – FLMUSA
56 Cornflower
Irvine, CA 92620

To donate securities (Stocks & Bonds) contact Don Nourse.

Don Nourse
First Love Ministries USA
O (949) 724-4703
C (714) 222-7800
Email: [email protected]

Daniel and Sharon at the Orphanage

Daniel and Sharon at the Orphanage

Dear Friends,

My wife Sharon has recovered from her malaria and miscarriage! She feels much better and is just finalizing her medications. Thank you for all those who prayed for her and supported us with funds for treatment and medications.

We are also thankful for our partner Terry Innis of Influencers Men’s fellowship who donated equipment to boost broadcast of Faith Radio, we are very thankful as we continue to serve God through the radio ministry.

Glynn Smith of Beacon of Hope Ministries visited with my Father Patrick and delivered the equipment donated by Terry to Faith Radio broadcast studio/office. We are very thankful for his visit and we encourage you all to continue partnering with us through mission trips, prayer and support.

We continue to intensify our marketing programs and community outreach. This past weekend, we had a soccer tournament between our listeners and the Faith Radio staff as a way to stay connected to the community as part of our ongoing promotional programs.

We also had our mid-year Faith Radio management meeting to reflect on the first half of 2018. We thank God for the success in listenership and the advertising marketing efforts, have added two more companies who have contracted to advertise on Faith Radio.

Also we have been more effective in our outreach programs; such as the door to door ministry to reach more people with the Good News Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Please pray for the media in Uganda, as new regulations involving taxation of the social media is causing an uproar. Also, it affects our social media outreach programs as many people in Uganda can’t afford the new taxes. We are not able to reach them, limiting our outreach programs.

We now have a requirement by Uganda Communications Commission to install special Digital Locks in all the doors at the Radio station. Studio, and main entry door. The inspections are going on, so we urgently need +/-$3000 to purchase and install these expensive locks.

Prayer Requests

  • Monthly provision for needs of the children at the orphanage
  • Health & Healing for my Father & Mother
  • Success for Faith Radio advertising marketing efforts
  • Safety of the Faith Radio staff
  • Funding for staff salaries & rent

We are praying for you and thank you for partnering with us at Faith Radio Uganda.

God bless you and thank you again for your prayers for Sharon’s healing – Praise God we are so thankful!

Daniel Okabe
Managing Director
Faith Radio Uganda

Follow Us on Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/daniel.okabe

Please make your tax-deductible checks out to:

FLMUSA” (First Love Ministries USA) and mail to:

Don Nourse – FLMUSA
56 Cornflower
Irvine, CA 92620

To donate securities (Stocks & Bonds) contact Don Nourse.

Don Nourse
First Love Ministries USA
O (949) 724-4703
C (714) 222-7800
Email: [email protected]