Faith Radio Mandate: “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.”
(Mark 15:16)

Dear Friends,
I greet you in the Name and Eternal Hope of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Thank you for your prayers for Sharon and me, and our ministry in Uganda.
I have fully recovered from malaria and am back on my feet serving God. Thank you all for praying for me during that time of illness.
Thank you for praying for Sharon also. She is going very strong in her pregnancy. Please pray for a safe delivery expected this September.
We are both very thankful to God for this new chapter of life, and are looking forward to becoming parents.
The Faith Radio tower was struck again by lightning due to the heavy rains in Eastern Uganda. We were off air for only a couple of days, however (Thank God) our engineer was able to rectify the problem quickly and we are back on air, with a very clear signal on the airwaves.
We are also very thankful for the two new advertisers; Riham ( juice making company) and MTN ( Mobile network).
Please continue to pray for additional advertisers as well as increased monthly support from our ministry partners in the USA.
We had our quarterly Faith Radio Management meeting this week. The staff is positive and committed to continue serving God and we are excited about how Faith Radio is expanding its reach to many more communities around Eastern Uganda.
Please pray for the Media in Uganda, as recently many televisions and radio stations have been suspended. This is an infringement on media rights by the government is very disturbing. Please pray that the Christian Radio stations will not face this attack.
Through our Faith Radio Uganda outreach program, Sharon and I had a chance this week to show the love of Jesus to three young Muslim Somalian girls here in Mbale Uganda. Uganda has provided a safe haven for most of the Somalian refugees who have been displaced from their country due a long conflict between the Somalian government and the Alqaeda terror group.
The girls were very receptive to listening about our faith in Jesus Christ. Please pray as Sharon will continue to meet with them to teach them about our faith in Jesus.
We just came back from our Faith Radio hospital outreach outing. We visited the new mothers at Butaleja Village Health Center. We shared Jesus with the mothers, gave out goodie bags and prayed for them and their families.
We also visited our listeners in Butaleja where we donated more goodie bags and prayed for the sick. Most especially we prayed for an Albino Child. As you might know many Albino children are excommunicated from many village communities here in Uganda. Due to superstitious tribal beliefs many of these children are sacrificed.
We are very thankful to God for Faith Radio Uganda as a tool to bring Jesus to the people of Uganda and we thank you for your support.
We encourage you to visit Uganda and see firsthand the ministry you support and pray for.
We shall be hosting a team of 15 from Vanguard University this summer and look forward to a great time of serving God together.
Prayer Requests
- Provision for needs of the children at the orphanage
- Pray that Sharon does not get sick during her pregnancy
- Health & Healing for my Grandmother & Grandfather
- Success for Faith Radio advertising marketing efforts
- Safety of the Faith Radio staff
- Funding to Relocate the Broadcasting Studio
- Funding for staff salaries, rent and equipment repairs and replacement
Please continue to pray for overall ministry of Impact Ministries Uganda; for provision and protection.
Thank you for allowing us to share our heart’s desire with you, our partners in the Good News ministry of Faith Radio Uganda.
In Christ Jesus,
Daniel and Sharon Okabe
Managing Director
Faith Radio Uganda
We need your financial help!
Please make your tax-deductible checks out to:
“FLMUSA” (First Love Ministries USA) and mail to:
Don Nourse – FLMUSA
56 Cornflower
Irvine, CA 92620
To donate securities (Stocks & Bonds) contact Don Nourse.
Don Nourse
First Love Ministries USA
O (949) 724-4703
C (714) 222-7800
Email: [email protected]