Mbale, Uganda 2018
Wow, what an amazing experience serving God with our brothers and sister in Uganda. Shawna and I first want to thank Daniel and Sharon Okabe for their friendship and helping familiarize us to Uganda and its culture. Your efforts allowed us to serve and love in the name of Jesus Christ without confusion or reservation. We could not have done it without you.
Second; Patrick and Christine Okabe are an amazing patriarchal/matriarchal couple whose vision and ministries are inspiring. Thank you for your service to the Lord!
We arrived in Entebbe, Uganda on Saturday, November 17 after a long couple days of travel from Alabama, USA. Daniel and Sharon met us at the airport.
They arranged a vehicle and driver to transport us to Mbale. We arrived at our hotel just in time to gets some much needed rest.
Sunday morning we woke to travel to a local motorcycle shop to purchase a motorcycle to give to a local pastor—praise God for those that gave generously to purchase this gift. Our next stop was to visit Impact Ministry Church in Mbale.
We met these beautiful people and introduced ourselves to the church. We both spoke and Brad was able to share his heart that we (Christians) are all brothers and sisters through the adoption in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 1:5, Romans 8:15 ESV).
After this, we were driven to the village of Kachonga to have church and worship. What an awesome time. After a Spirit filled time of praise, worship and dance; Bishop Okabe announced that we here to present the pastor with the motorcycle gift.
As this was a surprise, the church broke out into spontaneous worship full of the Holy Spirit—it will make a grown man cry! Again, we both spoke and Brad preached a message of the Good News of Jesus Christ. People were saved and many came forward to have hands laid on them for prayer.
We are so thankful for the local pastors and their wives who were a part of this with us. Most importantly, to God and His Spirit for bridging the language barrier to allow us to praise, worship, pray, preach, and receive (1 Corinthians 2:1-5 ESV). Following the service, the people of the village prepared a meal for us. Again, this was humbling and amazing!
Sunday evening we were invited to speak on Faith Radio out of Mbale. During the youth program, we shared a message of love and encouragement; reminding the listeners of their value to God; and the love God shows to us by giving us Jesus Christ, forgiveness, and salvation.
We had the opportunity to pray with listeners who called in.
Before we could begin our day on Monday, God intervened as we were asked to worship and pray with a Christian missionary team from South Korea. This was truly a blessing and encouragement.
I was reminded of the verse in Acts 18:9 where God tells Paul in a vision; “Don’t be afraid! Speak out! Don’t be silent! For I am with you, and no one will attack and harm you, for many people in this city belong to me.” (NLT).
This comforted me; and as I met new found brothers and sisters in Christ (including Impact Ministry and Faith Radio), God reinforced this message.
Monday, we were blessed to spend the day with our new friend, Ronald Segera (Ronnie), station manager for Faith Radio, Mbale. He gave us a tour of the Faith Radio station in town and then the antenna area up on the Wanale Mountain.
During the tour we were exposed to the enormous impact this ministry is having on east Uganda and West Kenya by sharing the message of Christ over the airwaves (Psalm 139; Genesis 1:27; John 3:16-17) ESV.
We also saw the needs that this ministry has in order to continue this ministry. Please pray for the radio to receive new antennas and tower extensions. While travelling the mountain, we were blessed to be able to interact with local village children.
That afternoon, we visited the Impact Ministry orphanage and school. The school director, Susan and the head teacher gave us a tour of the facility (dorms, classrooms, kitchen, and cafeteria). Shawna was able to help serve lunch.
As the children were hungry and wanting to talk with each other, we allowed them their time together and planned to return another day.
Tuesday, by the blessing of the Lord through generous givers, we were able to purchase soap, sugar, toilet paper, candy, biscuits (cookies), and mango juice to deliver to patients at two village medical clinics (Nabiganda and another whose name I cannot remember).
At the clinics, we were able to pray with the children (and mothers) in the children’s ward. Also, we had the privilege of meeting and praying with expectant mothers in the maternity ward.
Praise God for the staff of these clinics and the work they do!
We also had the honor of visiting Ronnie’s home village. Visiting with his family and many of the local children. It was an honor to pray with this family and ask God to bless their home and land.
Ronnie’s mother and father worked hard to raise (and educate) a good Christian man who is serving the Lord. Praise God and blessings to them!!
Wednesday, we returned to the orphanage. This day, we were able to meet with each class individually. We prayed with them and gave them a small sugar treat. The children were beautiful and kind. In their humility, they requested that we return with basic school supplies so that they may continue in their education.
Praise God for the teachers and caretakers that invest in the lives of these children!
After some time exploring the local market (amazing), we attended the Wednesday night fellowship service at Impact Ministry Church in Mbale.
Brad had the honor of sharing at this service. He encouraged the church members to avoid false teachers and hold true to the Truth (John 14:6 ESV).
As we have come to expect, the people and service were Sprit filled and ministered to us.
Thursday, we utilized Crossroads Tours and Travel service to take us to Sipi Falls (Kapchorwa) in order to see the beauty of the Ugandan countryside.
Yes, this is truly a beautiful and bountiful land. While on the mountain we met a local named Patrick. He brought us to his land and shared his vision for a home and business. We sat with him, talked about Jesus, and prayed.
Friday, we travelled back to Entebbe to prepare for our return travel. En route to the airport motel, we explored the Cultural Trade Center in Kampala to pick up some gifts for us and our children.
In closing, let us reiterate what a beautiful and loving people Ugandans are. I am thankful for the ministers and pastors that have paved the way to allow us to come and share Jesus Christ and His love.
These are true warriors who have a heart to see every Ugandan reconciled to God through Jesus Christ. Thank you Impact Ministry. Thank you Faith Radio.
Thank You God,
Brad and Shawna