Faith Radio Update | December 22, 2019
Dear Friends,
Merry Christmas – I greet you all in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ!
We are so very grateful for your prayers and faithful partnership with Faith Radio Uganda in 2019.
God has been gracious to us this year by using Faith Radio to broadcast to millions the Good News Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Though we had challenges, such as the recent floods, we Praise God that Faith Radio was able to finish the year proclaiming joy and thanksgiving to all of its listeners.
Most encouraging was that we saw a growth in our Faith Radio audience by 15% over last year. Faith Radio continues to be the dominant Christian Radio station in Eastern Uganda.
This year we saw many lives transformed through our programming at Faith Radio. Our Prayer night session on Faith Radio was a very encouraging to many of our listeners.
Our marketing efforts this year at Faith Radio Uganda improved, but we still have much to improve on as we enter 2020. We need to break into the large commercial markets for advertising. We will use our increased listenership as our main focus in our marketing for the New Year.
Challenges of Faith Radio Uganda in 2020 will be our computers and software for programming and acquiring a standby transmitter. Please pray for special gifts.
As we celebrate the Birth of Christ at Faith Radio we request special gifts to provide a little extra for the staff and their families during Christmas.
Please pray for the children at the orphanage to be receptive to the true meaning of Christmas, the Good News of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Sharon, Kimberly (4 months) and I pray that you will enjoy a wonderful Christmas 2019 and a Joy filled 2020!
Prayer Requests
- Children at the orphanage and radio staff for protection from malaria
- For my parents (Patrick & Christine) home to be repaired
- Success for increased advertising sales at Faith Radio
- Financial support for staff salaries, equipment, repairs and maintenance
- Provision for the year end – Christmas financial needs of the orphanage
- Healing for my grandmother
God bless you abundantly,
Daniel and Sharon Okabe
Managing Director
Faith Radio Uganda
We need your financial help!
Please make your tax-deductible checks out to:
“FLMUSA” (First Love Ministries USA) and mail to:
Don Nourse – FLMUSA
56 Cornflower
Irvine, CA 92620
To donate securities (Stocks & Bonds) contact Don Nourse.
Don Nourse
First Love Ministries USA
O (949) 724-4703
C (714) 222-7800
Email: [email protected]