Daniel Okabe Faith Radio Update
Dear Friends,
want to thank you for your support and prayers for Faith Radio Uganda. It’s through your prayers and financial support that Faith Radio continues to grow and expand Gods Kingdom by reaching thousands of souls with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I would also like to humbly thank you for the prayer support for my wife Sharon and our unborn baby girl Kimberly. You encourage us by being a part of our lives and ministry here in Uganda.
We had a successful annual Conference at the Church. We say over 1000 people from our branch churches and neighboring communities attend the conference and hundreds coming to Jesus. We praise GOD!
As part of our Faith Radio Outreach Program this month we embarked on bringing Faith Radio to the slums of our town (Mbale) this past weekend. We did open ministry events to met up with youths in the community. Many are unemployed and struggling with drug addiction. It was a great time of ministry, many were receptive to the hearing about Jesus.
Although we have not struck new advertising deals this last month, we continue with our advertising sales efforts for Faith Radio. We are thankful that our valued client companies have renewed their contracts with us: MTN, Mukwano and Africell. We Praise GOD and ask you to please continue to pray for our advertising sales efforts.
Prayer Requests
- Keeping our family and staff from suffering from malaria
- Children at the orphanage, healing and protection from malaria
- Success for increased advertising sales
- Funding for staff salaries, equipment repairs and maintenance
- Safety for Faith Radio staff as there has been a few kidnappings and armed robberies
- Pain relief and comfort for Sharon as she is due next week and is very nervous
- We do encourage you to visit us and witness firsthand the ministry you pray for and support.
May God continue to bless you so that you can be a blessing to others!
In Christ Jesus,
Daniel and Sharon Okabe
Managing Director
Faith Radio Uganda
We need you financial help!
Please make your tax-deductible checks out to:
“FLMUSA” (First Love Ministries USA) and mail to:
Don Nourse – FLMUSA
56 Cornflower
Irvine, CA 92620
To donate securities (Stocks & Bonds) contact Don Nourse.
Don Nourse
First Love Ministries USA
O (949) 724-4703
C (714) 222-7800
Email: [email protected]