Dear Friends,

I greet you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! First off, I want to thank you all again for the prayers for Sharon my wife, whose breast cancer threat was declared negative! We praise God together for watching over her! Please pray for a successful surgery to remove the dead cells.

Faith Radio Uganda will be a part of the Impact Ministries annual conference coming up this month August 21-26! We are expecting over 1000 guests from in and around Uganda. We shall have a booth for Faith Radio Uganda promotional activities where our staff will be speaking and sharing promotional materials to the attendees of the conference. Most importantly, we shall be airing the conference live on Faith Radio so that those who can’t attend. Please pray that many who don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ will come to know Him through the conference, both on site and through the Faith Radio broadcast.

Next week we are organizing a Faith Radio football (soccer) match with our listeners in the village on Nyondo. We have a strong listenership in Nyondo and they are part of Faith Radio Community Outreach. After the soccer match we shall provide snacks and drinks to the players and have an opportunity to share Jesus with the spectators and the players from the opposing team. The people of Nyondo are excited for a soccer match with the Faith Radio staff. We are providing soccer balls, for many don’t have this opportunity to kick around a real soccer ball. Through this excitement their hearts will be opened to hearing the good news of Jesus Christ!

We are also organizing our outreach activities to the hospital in the village of Butaleja and Busolwe, two small counties next to our town. Please pray for our hospital outreach, that many will be reached and healed through the all-powerful name of Jesus, as a large majority of Muslim families are in the hospital. This is a great opportunity for them to come to know Jesus!

We continue each week to travel to Kampala to find advertisers for Faith Radio. We go to Kampala 3 days each week to visit potential advertisers.

Praise God, we have just added MTAC Institute of Computer Science and Africell, a mobile network company. We are almost closing a deal with MTN, another telephone company – the largest in Africa. Please pray for success, as this deal would really help improve the income of Faith Radio. MTN makes very good contracts with Radio stations. Please pray for this opportunity.

Please pray for our safety on the road, as we travel to Kampala. We travel on a very risky road, with dangerous over speeding drivers – especially large trucks and buses! We almost see deadly head-on accidents every week! Our highways are single lanes and overtaking cars and trucks cause a lot of head-on collisions! We were almost involved in a head on collision a couple of times in our SUV due to irrational drivers. Please pray for God’s angels to protect us as we drive the 4 hours every week to Kampala. God’s mercy and grace keeps us safe on the highway as we continue to serve Jesus.

Please pray also for our limitation in reaching people through social media. The government just introduced high social media tax, which is limiting people from accessing social media and therefore limit the number of people our social media team can make contact with. Please pray for media freedom in Uganda, so we have a vast opportunity to reach many with Jesus!

This week I have been spending time with the kids at the orphanage. as you can see from the photos. I love sharing Jesus with these children and motivating them to be Christ followers as they set their goals for the future.

Pastors from many churches continue to sign up for airtime to preach the Gospel on Faith Radio. We have made it free for the pastors, as we want as many people as possible to hear the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Prayer Requests

  • Monthly provision for needs of the children at the orphanage
  • Health & Healing for my Father & Mother
  • Success for Faith Radio advertising marketing efforts
  • Safety of the Faith Radio staff
  • Funding for staff salaries & rent

We are praying for you and thank you for partnering with us at Faith Radio Uganda.

Daniel Okabe
Managing Director
Faith Radio Uganda

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Don Nourse – FLMUSA
56 Cornflower
Irvine, CA 92620

To donate securities (Stocks & Bonds) contact Don Nourse.

Don Nourse
First Love Ministries USA
O (949) 724-4703
C (714) 222-7800
Email: [email protected]